Saturday, March 10, 2018

Uncle Fester’s Hot Pepper Fruit Spread

Have you ever tried something a bit off the wall...unique...outside of your comfort zone?  Have you ever been pleasantly surprised?  World-endingly devastated?  Rocked beyond your wildest expectations?  I have been in several of these situations in my many years, under a variety of circumstances...from a food standpoint, palate-wise I was intrigued by this tasty concoction...Uncle Fester's Favorites: Hot Pepper Fruit Spread.

I tasted this stuff two years ago at the Ellwood City Arts and Crafts Show in Ewing Park.  I made the mistake of not buying any, I was not about to make the same mistake twice.  The jelly has a tinge of hotness, but is not overwhelming to your palate.

It tastes great on pretzels or corn chips as a dip.  Recently I have begun spreading this on toasted whole grain bread as an addition to my egg and cheese sandwiches.  A bit of heat in the AM rocks!

You can check out more about Uncle Fester's Favorites on Facebook by clicking here.

You can find out more about the Ellwod City Arts and Crafts Festival here.